Hoyo (Buddhist memorial service) (法要)

What is hoyo?

The original meaning is to know the lesson of Buddha (Buddhist law) in Buddhism. That is, to know the critical point or essence of Buddhism.

Later, the term was converted to refer to Buddhist events in general, ceremonial festivals such as a memorial service (a Buddhist service), a Buddhist service (a Buddhist service for the dead), hoe (Buddhist mass) and so on.

In Japan, it gradually started to refer to kuyo (tsuizen kuyo: a memorial service for the repose of someone's soul), and later, it came to refer to a ceremony to mourn for the dead in general. It is also called hoji (a memorial service, a Buddhist service) or butsuji (a Buddhist service, a Buddhist service for the dead).

Except for the ceremony to mourn for the dead, it includes celebratory occasions such as the anniversary of the founding of temples, rakkei (the celebration of the completion of a temple) (an anniversary event for the new temple building), the consecration ceremony for a statue of Buddha and so on.

See further details in the section of meinichi (anniversary of the death).

[Original Japanese]