Nyushutsu Nimonge (入出二門偈)

The term "Nyushutsu Nimonge" refers to a gatha (geju) (poetic verse of a scripture) written by Shinran.

In this verse, he admires the "Muryoju-kyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge" ([Vasubandhu's] Upadeśa on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life) by Tenjin (Seshin, Vasubandhu) and commentaries thereon by Donran (Tanluan), Doshaku (Daochuo) and Zendo (Shandao).

He comments on the writings of Tenjin and Donran, especially on the 'Gonenmon' (Five Practice-Gates of Mindfulness) by Tenjin. The Five Meritorious Gates consisting of four entry gates, Gon mon (proximate entry), Daie shumon (entry of the great assembly), Taku mon (entry of one's abode) and Oku mon (room entry) for the purpose of raihai (reverence), santan (admiration), sagan (making the vow) and kanzatsu (meditation), and an exit gate, onrin yuge jimon (exit to wander in the forest) for the purpose of eko (dedication of merit), were integrated into 'Nyushutsu Nimon' (Two Gates of Entering and Leaving), on which he commented in this verse. While they had been originally argued as subjects for practitioners of austerities in order to be reborn in the Pure Land, Shinran argued that Hozo bosatsu (Dharmakara Bodhisattva) had finished practicing all of them.
He mentioned that 'austerities which realized the power of prayer of Gonen (The Five Practices) correspond to the Practice of Five Gates of Mindfulness by Hozo bosatsu.'
A commentary of this kind had been already written in "Muryo-jukyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge-chu" (Commentary on [Vasubandhu's] Upadeśa on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life) (also known as Ojoronchu (Commentary on Treatise on Rebirth)) by Donran.

In this verse, he also praised the commentaries by Doshaku and Zendo.

[Original Japanese]