Hitsuki Shinji (日月神示)

Hitsuki Shinji is the Divine Revelation that Tenmei OKAMOTO (1897-1963), a painter and a Shintoist, claimed to have received from a holy spirit called 'Kuninotoko Tachinokami' (国常立尊 or 国之常立神) by automatic writing. The original was written mostly in mixed sentences of Chinese numerals, kana characters and symbols, and included volumes which were written only in symbolic drawings.

At the beginning it was too difficult even for Tenmei himself to read, but most of it has been decoded little by little, with cooperation of his fellow Shintoists and efforts of his wife Minori OKAMOTO after his death. However, it includes a part written as 'this written revelation has 8 different interpretations,' therefore the people concerned generally consider that only one of those were decoded and it was released with subtitle as tentative translation. Hitsuki Shinji consists of total 39 volumes including 38 main volumes and 1 supplementary volume. It is also called 'Hifumi Shinji' (ひふみ神示 or 一二三神示).
Also other than above mentioned volumes there are 13 volumes that have been prohibited to be released by the spirit and Tenmei said about it in 1961, 'So far I'm not sure if those unpublished volumes will be allowed to be released at some time or not.'
Since the appearance, almost no one knew about Hitsuki Shinji except the people concerned and some experts, but since around the early 1990's it has come to be known commonly due to the books written by Shinichi NAKAYA, a Shintoist and translator.

The historical backdrop of Hitsuki Shinji
The photo was taken when he was young. Konoe served as the Prime Minister for 3 terms, the 34th, 38th, and 39th. GHQ named him as a class-A war criminal, but one day before the date of his summons, he took poison and committed suicide.

On April 18, 1944, at the end of World War II, an experimental test of Fuchi was conducted in Harajuku, Tokyo, to tell the future war situation and to ask about the ancient history of Japan. Fuchi, a Chinese traditional fortune-telling to ask spirits about God's will, is a kind of automatic writing. The members of Shushi Kyoyokukai, who studied the ancient history of Japan and Kiichi OGAWA, an Army Major General and others participated in it. Tenmei OKAMOTO who was looking after Hachiman-jinja Shrine (Hatomori Hachiman-jinja Shrine) in Sendagaya, Tokyo, as a temporary Shinto priest while the regular one was in the field, served as saniwa (person who receives and tells the revelation) and master of ceremony in it. The spirit Kuninotoko Tachinokami, who would later possess Hitsuki Shinji, appeared at that time, and that was the start of it all. However, at that time, the spirit introduced himself as 'Hitsuku no Kami' or 'Ame no Hitsuku no Kami,' not Kuninotoko Tachinokami. After the experimental test of Fuchi, in the summer of 1945 just before the end of the war, some young military officers visited Tenmei to tell about the former Prime Minister 'Fumimaro KONOE' who had formed his government three times and been maneuvering for termination of war with his latent power, which was the exact opposite of the military's intention.
They said 'Konoe is weak-kneed and useless.'
They continued 'this could just destroy Japan.'
They also said in a stormy atmosphere 'we would like to ask the spirit about God's will and depending on the answer, we are willing to kill Konoe.'
However it was avoided without any incident by Tenmei's wise judgment. He said 'what are you going to do if the answer of spirit is different from the will of the military? I can't ask it to him before you answer it.' and they agreed to follow the answer of the spirit.
The spirit answered 'don't do that.'
Though Hitsuki Shinji was not decoded enough at that time, some of the military officials seemed to believe and sanctify it. Because Japan's future defeat was written clearly the revelation, it helped prevent many hopeless soldiers from committing suicide.

Hitsuki Shinji finally came down

On June 10, two months after the Fuchi experiment, Tenmei was invited to Daikata, Kozu village, Inba County, Chiba Prefecture (presently Daikata in Narita City) by his acquaintance Shuzo TAKADA, where was 'Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine' of Ame no Hitsuku no Kami was located, which is a subordinate shrine of Makata-jinja Shrine listed in the Engishikinaisha shrine list.

Tenmei recalled later that even he as a Shintoist hadn't known for a while after the Fuchi experiment what God Ame no Hitsuku no Kami was and which shrine was dedicated to him.

According to Tenmei, when he was taking a rest after giving his appreciation at Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine, he experienced the automatic writing phenomenon. Tenmei usually brought drawing papers and a portable brush-and-ink case as a painter and when he felt a strong shock on his forehead and an acute pain in his right arm (he expressed it as if a burned metal chop stick was stuck in his right arm) and he took out his brush and a paper, the brush moved very fast automatically and scribbled unknown terms. Because he had a lot of spiritual and spirit medium experiences, he thought instantaneously that it was a sign of automatic writing when he had an acute pain in his right arm. Normally he had been able to stop automatic writing by his will, but at that time, the more he tried to stop, the more pain he got in his right arm and he couldn't stop.

This was the Divine Revelation that was later called Hitsuki Shinji and it was the important day of the appearance. When the writing was finished, the pain in his right arm was gone magically. Since then, every time the revelation was received, he had pain in his right arm and after finished writing the pain was gone.

What were written at that time are the first and second chapters of volume 'Uetsu,' the first volume of Hitsuki Shinji.

The original text and interpretation of Hitsuki Shinji
The original text that Tenmei was made to write automatically first at the shrine office of Makata-jinja Shrine was as follows:
2288re12hon8re ㋹-no 92-no ma90-no ㋹-no chikara wo ara8su 47reru'
It is considered to be interpreted as follows:
Fuji was haretari nihonbare.' (Fuji is perfect and the weather is perfect.)
Kami no kuni no makoto no chikara wo arawasu yo to nareru.' (The world will show the true God's power of the God's county.)
It continues '卍-mo 10-mo 9-mo 8kiri tasukete 76kashii 5kuro-no nai 4ka kurukara 3tama-wo 2tan-ni mikaite 1sushi-no ma90-wo 14te9re4 ima1-10-96 aruka 9-no 9683tama-wo 3kaiteoranu 10kosenu 9-no 48matte 2-10- 10- 71 96tearu.'
It is read as 'Hotoke mo Kirisuto mo nanimokamo hakkiri tasukete shichi muzukashi gokuro no nai yo ga kurukara mitama wo fudan ni migaite hitosuji no makoto wo toshite kureyo.' (Everything including Buddha and Christ will help clearly to make the world without any difficult troubles, so please improve your spirit constantly and keep being honest)
Hitokuro aruga kono kuro wa mitama wo migaite oranuto kosenu.' (You will have one more hardship which you cannot go over without improving your spirit.)
Konoyo hajimatte nido to nai kuro dearu.' (It is the biggest hardship that the world ever has.)

It is interpreted as follows:
A true God will appear in the world and show his power and help everyone to make the world ideal without any hardship, but before that people must have the biggest disaster and trial.'
Prepare for it by improving your mind, spirit and body constantly to survive.'
You will not survive without improving yourself.'
Beginning with those chapters, the Revelation had been written for 17 years from 1944 until 1961, two years before Tenmei's death.
Hitsuki Shinji covers very broad areas such as 'way of life,' 'proper diet,' 'marital relationships,', the real state of 'the spiritual world', and also descriptions about the future like so-called 'prophets.'
The reason why Hitsuki Shinji is mostly written in numbers and symbols is told by the spirit himself in the Revelation as follows:

Numbers are often used as scripts by holy spirits.'
It is because numbers have more hidden true meanings than other scripts.' (chapter 13 of volume Jishin)
In heaven we often use numbers to communicate with each other.'
In heaven our words are true, so we can tell tens of thousands of words in only one word.' (chapter 18 and 19 of volume 'constellations')
What is interesting is that famous Swedish psychic E. Swedenborg wrote the same thing in his book about touring heaven as 'in heaven people always use numbers.'
Before Hitsuki Shinji, such description hadn't been seen in any publication and the spirit made him write 'all before this were predictions and this is the revelation of Ki' (chapter 6 of volume Kaze).
Also in chapter 13 of volume 'Ame' it is written as follows:
This is the only revelation that shows fundamental Ki.'
I'll tell everything about the Three Thousand World.'
Listen calmly so as not to miss.'

On the other hand, this Revelation seems to be given not only to people in this world but also in heaven and spiritual worlds and to gods, the Dragon King, celestial beings, angels, spirits in the other worlds equally.
In the chapter 18 of volume 'Kiwame' it is written 'this revelation is being given to gods, the Dragon King, inhabitants of heaven, celestial beings, spirits and people.'

The Three Thousand World principle

Hitsuki Shinji covering very broad and many descriptions features a description in chapter 2 of volume 'Ogon' (gold) as follows:
The existing religions in Japan are only for Japan.'
But the Three Thousand World principle is the basis of the whole world and not just a teaching.'
So, it described the Revelation as neither religion nor teaching. Therefore it often differs from the faiths and teachings of existing religions and also often denies them.
For example, the spirit of Hitsuki Shinji describes one of the famous teachings of an existing religion, 'Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also' in chapter 15 of volume Kiwame as follows:

It says that whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also for peace, but clean your mind and look carefully.'
It is not nonresistance.'
You will be hit if you have something to be hit in your mind.'
If you are sincere, a raised hand will be put down.'
Listen carefully and understand.'
You will never hit infants smiling and approaching you.'
That is nonresistance.'
The world is one family and at peace.'
Don't be silly to offer your left cheek.'

Some people consider this chapter unconvincing, because there are some parents in the news who abuse and kill their children.

Also it completely denies miracles which existing religions regard as important 'sign' and 'proof' of God and refers to them in some chapters sounding an alarm to people who want such miracles and believe them.
Also while many religions preach the necessity and meaning of fasting as a part of the practice, it is striking that Hitsuki Shinji warns against fasting itself strictly in 'proper eating habits' as follows (chapter 5 of volume spring):
Eating is also a joy.'
Eat right foods.'
You'll have more pleasures and will flourish.'
Eating bad foods badly will make you worse.'
It is the same for everything.'
People are children of joy.'
Not children of sin.'
Why don't you take the joyful way?'

On the other hand, it warns against eating much and eating meat as follows (complementary chapter of volume winter):
You will have better luck by controlling your eating and by devoting.'
Also you'll recover from illness.'
I'm telling you, half of the amount that you currently eat is enough.'
Try the Hifumi way of eating, which is far and near.'
You will have better luck and recover from illness and beam with happiness.'
You may say that if such a way cured illness and brought good luck, no one would suffer, but it is just logic.'
It is not good that you are all talk.'
You are like a blind and deaf person with no education, when you are all talk.'
Don't eat four-footed animals.'
It will be cannibalization.'
I'm telling you, animals are born to plants.'
People should eat grains and vegetables.' (chapter 8 of volume Hekigyoku)
While it warns against eating meat, it also says as follows.
When you eat meat, offer it to God once first and receive it from him.'
By doing that, they become God's foods.'
This way you can eat anything.' (chapter 5 of volume Amatsu)

The representative of 'a way of life' is the following description. (chapter 14 of volume Fuji)

Making it clear for people, both your body and soul belong to God.'
You can consider it something given from God.'
This way you will know how to keep your body.'
It will become clear when you consider that when you are sleeping at night, you are returning your body.'
Improving your body and soul means treating them as God's most precious things and God's container which you are keeping for him'
He also says as follows (chapter 5 of volume Hitsuki):
When you wake up, give thanks to God that you have the life for the day and pray to flourish by the will of God.'
God will tell you what to do one day at a time.'
Don't worry about tomorrow.'
Just be mindful.'
Don't worry unnecessarily.'

He also talks about marital relationship as follows (chapter 26 of volume spring):

Love is to be cultivated.'
Husband and wife must take care of each other at the risk of their lives.'
Conjugal love doesn't exist simply.'
It is something to be built by yourselves'
It is to create by yourselves.'
You will see the preciousness in it.'
You'll see the joy in it.'
He also says as follows (chapter 72 of volume gold):
If your home is not at peace, it is because your wife is overstepping her position.'
If a wife pays due respect to her husband, she will have every luck.'
He says further as follows (chapter 99 of volume gold):
Rely on your wife and rely on your husband.'
Then you will find your religious way.'
You will mature.'
The cave will open.'
You will see clear Fuji.'
He says that a committed relationship of husband and wife is important as the foundation of religion as follows (chapter 9 of volume moonlight):
Don't have marital quarrels.'
It is caused not only by your husband.'
It is caused not only by your wife.'
Both of you are seeing yourself in each other.'
Understand well.'

The relationship between the spiritual world and this world

Hitsuki Shinji includes many descriptions about the spiritual world especially in volume 'Jishin' and volume 'Ryuon' which are mostly about it. Among those, here we show a run of the items of descriptions which are related with this world of us.

The spiritual world in a broad sense is divided roughly into the spirit world, which is divided into heaven and the spirit land, and the astral world which is divided into the positive world and the negative world.

In heaven celestial beings are living, in the spirit land angels are living, in the positive world positive spirits are living and in the negative world negative spirits are living.

Most supernatural events are caused by responding to the astral world which is linked most deeply to the human world, so you have to be careful.

In communication with an invisible place, the more advanced communication causes the weaker and more suggestive physical response. The lower-grade spirits are living in the nearest place from this world, therefore humans respond to them strongly and can see them as plausible, so you have to be careful.

Don't forget that human body does not respond to higher-grade spirits immediately and only responds through different stages.

Higher ones are transmitted to spirits on the same wavelength of each person's mind and expressed through the sympathies of those spirits.

You will find it by observing carefully that a medium possessed by a lower-grade spirit acts patronizingly, behaves and speaks domineeringly, orders, asserts and calls himself a holy God's name.

Angels who have special missions sometimes come down to the lowest spiritual world to communicate with humans specially and give instructions to humans. Also sometimes a spirit of an angel comes to a mother body to be born as a human. In a degenerate age, a lot of angels are born in such a way.

Apart from angels with special missions and human spirits, taking Japan as an example, mainly spirits of long-nosed goblins, hermits, foxes, raccoon dogs, cats and others can possess humans.

You have to be careful because many animal spirits change themselves into spirits of human ancestors and attempt something. Animal spirits can know about human ancestors, because they can learn immediately what the spirit of their target human body knows.

It may be incomprehensible that animal spirits use human words, but it is, for example, just like they enter someone's home and just use the household belongings there. Even animal spirits and other spirits can use human words to some extent when they are responding to a human. They can speak Japanese when they are responding to a Japanese and speak English responding to an American.

Basically lower-grade spirits and animal spirits can respond to a human, but cannot enter inside the body. However, if the response is strong, it sometimes looks as if they enter inside a human body.

Exceptionally, human spirit and animal spirit replace each other. If that is the case, it can be considered as entering inside a body. For example, a fox spirit that just looks like a fox is easy to identify, but spirits who have ever committed wrong acts change themselves into other appearances in line with each time, so it is difficult to find out.

Don't believe it blindly even something that you hear as God's words, when you feel it suspicious. Even if you receive it as God's words, you have to judge it by yourself.

Also some human spirits who misunderstand that they are living in a higher-grade spirit world, often speak with confidence when they respond to a human. When they tell receivers about a world which humans don't know with confidence, it is often difficult to judge if it is true and makes receivers embarrassed.

Hermits belong to the astral world, no matter how higher-grade he looks. Because they have their religious law in the hermit world. There is no religious law in the spirit world. True religion has no law. Religion with law is going to die. However there are beings like hermits also in the spirit world.

There are spirits with dragon body (does it mean Dragon King?) both in the spirit world and the astral world. It is wrong that dragon body always belongs to the spirit world.

When a spirit of an ancestor appears, he/she probably has a favor to ask. Human body seldom responds to higher-grade spirits who have already purified.

Spirits of ancestors practice using human bodies in this world. Also people have deep interchanges and connections with their ancestors in the spiritual world.

Lower-grade spirits and animal spirits tell you something for nothing like 'drunkards'. You have to handle their demands judging carefully without accepting it at face value.

Seeing and hearing spiritually often cause mistakes. With hearing spiritually you can hear even if you cover your ears.

Seeing with the forehead is important. Seeing in the forehead doesn't cause any mistakes and makes a good judgment.
Also body responds to evil spirits in the back and neck first and feels concentration and energy around 'the pit of the stomach.'

Because some mediums and ascetics perform miracles and act insanely, common people are often deceived. Those are all acts of lower-grade spirits.

Holy spirits perform no miracles. Higher-grade spirits have a good attitude.

Don't look down on any spirit, even if the spirit is a lower-grade one. If a receiver looks down on a spirit, the receiver will be looked down on reflexively by the spirit, so receivers need careful consideration. Especially it is a delicate case when the spirit is related to illness. It is important to treat any spirit with love at all times and try to lead any spirit to a better way. If you accept a wrong demand of a spirit to recover from your illness, you will have a double setback after a temporary cure.

Evil spirits do not consider themselves evil.

Spiritual common sense is developed by revelations, sacred books and experiences. Also advanced scientific books serve as a reference.

An idea which comes straight from the spirit world is the mainstream. An idea from or through the astral world is outer stream.

Spirits who know well about the human world are those who left this world recently or animal spirits which have lived on earth for a long time or those who have ever possessed a human.

Divine protection is unrecognizable for humans. Recognizable protections are those of lower-grade spirits or evil gods. Even in case of evil gods, a protection of their head is unrecognizable for humans.

Japan has a Japanese guardian god, China has a Chinese guardian god, other countries have each country's guardian gods.

99% of the people today have a connection with the astral world, so you need to observe yourself carefully and reconsider it.

99% of spirits who appeal to this world through mediums are evil. It will be more in the future.

None of those spirits who call themselves a major god's name like 'Amaterasu Omikami' (a sun goddess) can be any good. Those who are being possessed by such spirits are all boasters and suspicious.

Sometimes spirits from the astral world say something right and good, but it is just saying. It is like a bad person who is just saying goodness.

You may think that if it is good words, even evil gods can tell those, but that is just twisted logic. True valuable words take on power immediately when mind, words and acts are consistent with each other, but when those are not consistent, no words have power. As 'Yes' sounds differently when it is said happily or unhappily, you will find if it is false words by listening calmly.

Every human only can pray to a god who is suitable to his/her own mind. To your evil mind, only an evil god will respond, even when you pray to a fine god. In contract, even if you pray to an evil god, proper love, joy and good will in your mind can make a good god appear and evil god leave.

When people are possessed by an evil god, they often think that they are possessed by a great god. It is because of their superior feelings like a long-nosed goblin.

Split personality is caused by some different possessions. Also crowd psychology is caused by temporary spirit possession at the time.

It is completely wrong that spirits know everything.

People continue to have the thoughts of when they die and each person will live in a suitable world to each thought. Those who see this world as heaven will go to heaven and those who see this world as hell will go to hell which they create by themselves in their thoughts.

Divine self is your original guardian deity and spiritual self is your spiritual guardian deity. Also astral self is your spiritual guardian deity with vice spirit. Original guardian deity is a joy of God.

Because human body is a component of the most bottom part, a physical movement always occurs after a spiritual movement.

What happened in heaven also happens in this world certainly. However, depending of the situation of this world at the time, it happens earlier or later. Sometimes it happens in a different order.

Acts of celestial beings and angels are reflected in acts of humans and in contrast how humans show their freedoms and abilities is also reflected in heaven and the spiritual world. As Japan and other countries are different, the reflections of each country in heaven are also different.

Waiting for badness (natural disaster and unhappiness etc.) is an evil mind. When you are expecting when and where those happen, you are being manipulated by a devil.

A notice from God and the end of the war

One day in 1945, less than one year after Tenmei received Hitsuki Shinji for the first time (Tenmei was looking after Hachiman-jinja Shrine in Sendagaya, Tokyo, as a temporary Shinto priest as mentioned above), when he was sitting down in front of the altar, he heard the notice of the holy spirit 'Tenmei, leave here' everyday over a three-day period. In 1945, it was just after his resignation as the temporary Shinto priest when US military fire bomb hit the main shrine and his life was saved. The fact was written by Minori OKAMOTO as what she heard directly from Tenmei in her book "Why did Hitsuki Shinji come down to Tenmei Okamoto."

As previously mentioned, Hitsuki Shinji started to be received in 1944, one year and two months before the end of the war, but after a few days from the first receipt, it already mentioned about the defeat of the Axis including Japan.
In chapter 4 of volume 'Uetsu' (written in 1944), it is written as follows (in the original, Germany is written as 卍 and Italy is written as 一十):
'Don't expect Germany as well as Italy.'
All the unified countries in the world will come together on to the country ㋹.'
Do you still think that the current way is right?'
It is also mentioned that Japan will suffer a major blow and be endangered and Tokyo will be burned down and scorched all around. (written in 1944 in chapter 11 of the same volume)
Japan will almost collapse once.'
Everyone will think once that there is neither God nor Buddha in the world.'
Tokyo also will return to the original soil once.'
Be prepared.'
What God says happens definitely.'

Also in chapter 7 of volume 'Matsu' (pine) written in 1945 about two months before the end of the War, it says as follows:
People in high positions will be all prisoners of war.'
It is almost dawn.'
At the break of dawn, everything will be clear.'
It is darkest before the dawn.'
Don't panic.'
In this way, it is mentioned clearly at this point that the war will end and the leaders (politicians in high office and military officials at the head) will be arrested as war criminals and be taken into custody. As mentioned above, it is said that many soldiers of those who stopped themselves from committing suicide, knew about the description. The revelation also includes chapters that point out the recovery after defeat in the war, the development of the economy and mental decline of Japanese people. In chapter 14 of volume 'Ame' written in 1945, it says as follows.
Those prisoners of war are not finished yet.'
They will be back, regain and repeat it again.'
In chapter 4 of volume 'Umi' written in 1947, it also says as follows.
After they come out, they will do the same thing, but they will be already empty and only able to make a crooked work.'
Don't be bothered by such a thing.'
It is said that it refers to the release of the prisoners. Also it is said that it refers to the mentally collapsing society with many feckless people while recovering after the war.
Also in chapter 59 of volume 'Ogon' written in 1949, he says 'This world will be ruled and collapsed by money and then will pave the way to Miroku no yo (heaven on earth).'
It is considered that it refers to the recent 'bubble economy' and the collapse. It may also refer to the world wide depression which comes only once or less in a century, caused by the subprime mortgage crisis of Lehman Brothers in the US around 2007 and 2008.

The descriptions about the future

Kuninotoko Tachinokami and the previous prophets
It seems that the above mentioned soldiers relied on the revelation, because they wanted to know the future of the war and the victory or defeat by Hitsuki Shinji including many descriptions of the future.
In the Revelation, the future catastrophe and maelstrom of war are called 'Big Mountain Pass' and 'Large-scale Washing of the Three Thousand World' which will occur equally in whole world including the human and spiritual worlds and the spirit called it as 'Massive Reconstruction of all the Three Thousand World.'
Also the spirit says that 'Kuninotoko Tachinokami' arranged that those people called prophets in all countries appeared and explained about the end of the world and coming 'perfect world' subsequently. In chapter 4 of volume 'Hikari,' he says as follows.
Here and there in the world, gods appeared inform people of the large-scale washing of the world as I had arranged.'
Help each other, everyone.'
It is considered therefore that there were arrangements and approaches of this spirit throughout the ages.
As for coming future events and how to deal with them, the spirit says as follows:
You won't find what to do anywhere except here, even if you search around the world with gold sandals.'
So reform yourself and call on me.' (chapter 5 of volume Matsu)
The gods know that the world will turn over and return to the world of mythological ages.'
Here and there in the world gods exist to inform of that.'
But the last thing is known only by me, this god.' (chapter 23 of volume Shimotsu)
Also he says as follows (chapter 4 of Amatsu):
There are a lot of gods in human bodies to predict it here and there, but they know only 99% and don't know the last thing, so follow and serve me.'
Don't be ants on sugar.'
It says that not all holy spirits know all about the coming events in the future. Also it is described as follows that before the perfect world called 'Miroku no yo' comes, people are deceived by a lot of questionable prophets and fanatic religionists who are possessed by spirits who don't know anything.
Before the dawn, possessed people throw the world into confusion without control, but it is just a play for a little while.' (chapter 18 of volume constellation)
It is described that such confusion will be only temporary in a passing moment.

Large-scale Washing of the Three Thousand World and Big Mountain Pass
The Revelation says that the world was reconstructed 6 times already in the past and the coming reconstruction will be the 7th. It also says that this will be the last time. Because those past 6 reconstructions were all done only in this world, it hasn't been reconstructed fundamentally and turned back. The coming reconstruction will be totally different in that it occurs not only in this world but also in the whole world including the spirit world and the astral world, which will be literally 'the biggest hardship that the world ever has' just as Tenmei was made to write first in Makata-jinja Shrine. It is written in chapter 12 of volume 'Matsu' as follows.
It has been reconstructed already before, but those were not the reconstruction of the Three Thousand World.'
Therefore clouds remained in each world, which grew up to evil to spoils people and even gods have been ignorant about that.'
Also in chapter 2 of volume 'Amatsu' it says as follows:
The previous reconstructions were just a plaster which turns back soon.'
This time it will be an unprecedented reconstruction which hasn't been told yet either in writing or orally.'
It will be reconstructed not only this world but also the spirit world, therefore no other spirits but us don't know about that.'
So it is described here again that the biggest disaster will occur all over the Three Thousand World, which only some holy spirits know.

Also it is described about the reconstruction as follows (chapter 12 of volume water):
Reconstruction means to wash everything in the spirit world, the astral world and this world immaculately.'
It will be reconstructed perfectly this time for sure.'
It will be reconstructed by the will of God.'
It will make the world in the light of God.'
In many chapters it is written that the coming reconstruction will make the world in the light of God beyond imagination.

The sign
In the Revelation it is written that there will be some signs before Large-scale Washing of the Three Thousand World and Big Mountain Pass. First will be found an abnormal phenomenon in the sky that multiple 'suns' appear which should be one normally. Also the 'moon' will be abnormal and the color will turn 'red' and the sun will turn 'black' and the sky will also turn red. Also it will start with a military attack from the north.
It is described as follows:
When you will be attacked from the north, it will start the end of this world.'
There will be not only a sun anymore but two, three, four suns.'
It will be the end.'
Folks, the end of this world will be the beginning of the God world.'
I also inform gods of this.' (chapter 16 of volume Fuji)
The moon will turn red, the sun will turn black and the sky will turn the color of blood as well as the rivers.'
People will get down on all fours or stand on hands or writhe for some time.' (chapter 5 of volume Shikin)
Other than above, it describes an abnormal change of the sky as follows:
When the evening star comes to the east, it will start finally.'
Be aware of abnormal changes in the sky as I'm telling you over and over' (chapter 19 of volume Matsu)
Also it is written as follows (chapter 3 of volume dawn):
Be aware of abnormal changes in the sky.'
I'm telling you it is not always true that spring comes after winter.'
It can snow in summer.'
People's evil will gather, by which unknown insects and worms appear in the sky as well as on the ground.'
It is also written 'When you see an abnormal change in the sky, be aware that something abnormal will follow also on the ground.'
It will be coming finally.' (chapter 13 of volume Amatsu)
So it is described in some chapters of the Revelation that it abnormal changes will be seen in the sky and on the ground.
Also it is written as follows (chapter 30 of volume Shimotsu):
Be aware of the dates of 8, because it is approaching.'
The day and month of Kanototori (the 58th of the sexagenary cycle) will be good.'
Be careful if cherry blossoms bloom in winter.'
It says that abnormal phenomenon of season like cherry blossoms in winter and snow in summer will be also strong signs.

The Big Mountain Pass
As mentioned above, in the Revelation it is described that a major war and natural disasters will occur after the signs. As for the war, it is described that allied forces consisting of many countries will come against Japan. Also it is written in the Revelation that natural disasters will occur simultaneously.
In chapter 3 of volume 'Fuji' it is written as follows:
Allied forces consisting of the US, England, Germany, Italy and Russia will come against the country ㋹.'
Be prepared.'
However you won't know what to do first and then.'
It is described that the military forces such as the US, England, Germany, Italy and Russia will attack Japan. As for natural disasters, it is written in chapter 28 of volume 'Shimotsu' as follow.
The world will be thrown into utter confusion in a blink of an eye as if heaven and earth turn each other upside down.'
So I'm telling you again and again.'
It will be too late to prepare after it comes. Prepare now.'
It continues further as follows (chapter 7 of volume Iwato):
It is wrong for you to think that this cave will open only after wars and natural disasters.'
It will not be so easy as wars and natural disasters.'
You'll be too surprised to say a word, so improve your spirit soon not to fear anything.'
It is the fear not for your bodies, but for your spirits.'
You won't be able to imagine the war and maelstrom of spirits, so you need to ask God.'
Therefore you have to improve your spirit to be able to be possessed by God.'
It is not a possession of long-nosed goblins, foxes and raccoon dogs around here.'
It is a possession of God.'
It means that what to fear is not a war and natural disaster or physical fear but a spiritual disaster.
Also in another chapter it is described as follows:
People are afraid of war which is just a human war.'
What are you afraid of?'
What is more fearful is evil spirit in your mind.' (chapter 7 of volume Fuji)
It is written here again that what is to fear is actually that of spirit. In the revelation it is described about the coming natural disasters as follows.

The world will roar and in some places the land will become sea and the sea will become land. (chapter 3 in volume Uetsu) (chapter 16 of volume Kunitsu)

It will be a large-scale washing with major earthquake and fire rain. (chapter 5 of volume Shikin)

It will show more or less how fearful fire and flood disaster will be. (chapter 19 of volume Fuji)

Heaven and earth will be mixed for a time. (chapter 19 of volume Fuji)

Heaven and earth will roar and turn each other upside down. (chapter 27 of volume Uetsu)

Gales will blow, tornadoes will break out from the ocean, fire rain will fall, earthquakes will occur and rumbling mountains will breathe fire. (chapter 24 of volume Fuji)

And finally Mt. Fuji will start to move. (chapter 21 of volume Uetsu)

Earth will turn as well as heaven. (chapter 15 of volume Goyo)

Other episodes

On June 10, 1944, it seems that Tenmei was invited to Daikata, Kozu village, Inba-gun, Chiba Prefecture, (presently Daikata in Narita City) by his acquaintance Shuzo TAKADA originally to visit a family brewing 'doburoku' (raw rice wine) to drink it. Because it was during the war at that time, it was hard to obtain alcohol. It is said that Tenmei liked alcohol very much. However it seems that they were unable to drink due to the family's reason at that time.

When Tenmei visited Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine and took a rest at the shrine office after the automatic writing, he met an old woman carrying a basket on her back and became friends with her and drank up sacred rice wine together with her there. It seems that she brought out a bottle of rice wine without any permission as if she was the owner and offered it to Tenmei. Tenmei said later that she had encouraged him to drink while she had also been drinking in a natural and nice manner. After that he was treated a lot of food in her luxurious house.

Two years later, when Tenmei moved near Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine, he looked for her house to see the old woman, but she wasn't there (according to Tenmei, there was even no trace of the house) and nobody knew about her there and he felt unsatisfied like Urashima Taro (a Japanese legend) (in Tenmei's word, he felt like Ima Urashima [someone who is surprised by the change when he/she comes back to home after a long time just like Urashima Taro]).

According to Minori OKAMOTO, Tenmei couldn't read or understand much of the Revelation for some time, so he considered what he had received as something from a lower-grade spirit. Therefore he left the original text and even threw away a part of it. It was his acquaintance in Omoto (a religious community) 'Shin YANO' (the wife of Yutaro YANO, an army colonel), who found the importance of the revelation first and let Tenmei know it. Shin YANO who was a good psychic, intuitively found the importance at once and said turning pale 'this is a true autograph document of a holy spirit' when she was shown the original texts by Tenmei.

After that, Yano encouraged and led some psychics and Shintoists to establish a study group to decode the Revelation. The Revelation was decoded gradually.

Aside from Yano, another person who found the importance of the Revelation was 'Hogen,' a temporary Shinto priest of Hachiman-jinja Shrine at that time just like Tenmei. Hogen was also an army colonel, therefore many soldiers (especially those of the army) knew about Hitsuki Shinji. It is assumed that when Hogen worked for Hachiman-jinja Shrine, he probably saw the moment Tenmei was made to write the revelation automatically and was impressed by the situation and the atmosphere.
As he was appointed as one of the temporary priests though he was a soldier, it is assumed that Hogen had considerable knowledge and background of Shinto and the name 'Hogen' would be also a Shinto name classified under 'Shingo' or 'Gago.'
Because he was in a high position as army colonel with powerful influence, it is easily assumed that he would report it to the military leadership and army comrades and they approved it. Also Minori wrote in her book that the Revelation wasn't scattered and lost, thanks to Hogen.

Later Tenmei also recognized the importance and tried to make a fair copy of the Revelation written by automatic writing, but some parts of the fair copy offered on the altar were spiritualized and disappeared.
(It is assumed that the original text remained after the fair copy disappeared)

Tenmei who was basically a very small eater, ate less - only a rice cake or an apple in a day - for several days before the Revelation came down. However he was fine and felt very good.

In the revelation are written some indications that the spirit sometimes had difficulties possessing Tenmei 'Tenmei's task is to transcribe the Revelation, to write it down' (chapter 10 of volume Kiwame) and 'Tenmei's role is to write the Revelation down which is a behind-the-scenes role.' (chapter 29 of volume Kunitsu)
The spirit says about it as follows:
Be empty, Tenmei.'
Drop your sense of self.'
It is hard for me to possess you.' (chapter 12 of volume Kunitsu)
Tenmei, clean up yourself more and more and more.' (chapter 25 of volume Ogon)

In chapter 3 of volume 'Shimotsu' is described the appearance of Kuninotoko Tachinokami as follows.
I was going to show you myself, but you may be frightened out of your senses, so I showed myself engraved in a stone, but you didn't notice it, so I gave you a wood carving.'
That is an appearance of the spirit at an activity.'
Don't make a show of it.'
Also in chapter 4 of volume 'Amatsu' it is written 'I have been living in an original body, so I don't show it even to Tenmei.'
According to 'Onisaburo DEGUCHI' from 'Omoto' to which Tenmei also belonged when he was young, the appearance was a glittering old spirit with thoughtful twinkling eyes and white hair, belting 'the sacred Yatsuka sword' on. ("the Cauldron of Hell of the volume 3 of Great Mother" written by Yasuaki DEGUCHI)
Nao DEGUCHI' also from 'Omoto' said that Kuninotoko Tachinokami whom she saw in a spiritual dream was a sparkling spirit in a white Ikan Sokutai (noble formal dress) wearing a sword which was radiating platinum light. ("Light in the beginning of spring of the volume 4 of Great Mother" written by Yasuaki DEGUCHI)

According to the Revelation, social unrest has started in the spirit world first, not in the human world. In chapter 10 of volume 'Nme' (volume Ume [plum]? or Unmei [fate]?) it is described as follows.
It has been confused first in the spirit world.'
The human world needs to have a determination to set the world aright and to open the cave by yourselves, which will make a continuing perfect world and open the cave.'
It says that the efforts from the human world are important. Also in chapter 24 of the same volume it says as follows.
Depending on the efforts, also human can reach a certain level of spirit which can be offered advice by God.'

It is best to improve yourself.'

[Original Japanese]