Shintoshu (collection of shrine legends) (神道集)

Shintoshu is a collection of anecdotes and Shinto books in medieval Japan.

It is thought that the book was written by the Agui shodo school in the mid period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan.)
Shintoshu consists of ten volumes and contains fifty anecdotes.

It contains anecdotes about Shinto and Buddhist deities which are based on Honji-suijaku setsu (theory of original reality and manifested traces), centering on engi (writing about history) about shrines in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan) including the Kanto region. Suwa Engi no Koto' (Story of the Origin of the Suwa Deity) is known to tell the tradition of Saburo KOGA.


First volume: Shinto yurai no koto (origin of Shinto), Usa Hachimangu no koto (things related to Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine), Sei Hachiman no koto (things related to Sei Hachiman-gu Shrine), Torii no koto (things about Torii), and Mishotai no koto (things about Mishotai, kami's real bodies.)

Second volume: Kumano Gongen no koto (things related to the Kumano Gongen deity) and Nisho no Gongen no koto (things related to Izu-san Gongen and Hakone Gongen.)

Third volume: Takakura Tenno no koto, Kashima Daimyojin no koto, Katori Daimyojin no koto, Atsuta Daimyojin no koto, Gion Daimyojin no koto, Sekizan Daimyojin no koto, Inari Daimyojin no koto, Musashi Rokusho Daimyojin no koto (武蔵六所大明神事), and Kozuke no kuni Kukasho Daimyojin no koto (上野国九ヶ所大明神事.)

Fourth volume: Shinano Chinju (local Shinto deity) Suwa Daimyojin Akiyama Ritual no koto (信濃鎮守諏訪大明神秋山祭事), Suwa Daimyojin Satsuki Kai no koto (諏訪大明神五月会事,) Echigo Province Yahiko Daimyojin no koto (越後国矢射子大明神事,) Tateyama Gongen deity of Ecchu Province (越中国立山権現事,) Isurugi Gongen deity of Noto Province and Dewaguro Gongen deity of Dewa Province (出羽国出羽黒権現事.)

Fifth volume: Nikko Gongen deity, Utsunomiya Daimyojin no koto, Kasuga Daimyojin no koto, Mikagura (Music performed in court shinto ceremonies) no koto, Tenjin Shichidai (seven generations of heavenly kami in Shinto mythology) no koto, Chijin Godai (five generations of earthly deities) no koto, 女人月水神忌給, 仏前二王神明鳥居獅子駒犬之事 and 酒肉備神前事.

Sixth volume: Zao Gongen of Yoshino no koto, Mishima Daimyojin no koto, Kozuke Province Komochi-yama (Mt. Komochi) no koto and Hakusan Gongen deity.

Seventh volume: Kozuke no kuni Ichinomiya no koto (items related to Ichinomiya Shrine of Kozuke Province), Aritoshi Myojin no koto, Hashihime Myojin no koto, Tamatsushima Myojin no koto, Kozuke no kuni Seta district Chinju Akagi Daimyojin no koto (上野国勢多郡鎮守赤城大明神事), Kozuke Daisan no miya Ikaho Daimyojin no koto (上野第三宮伊香保大明神事), and Settsu no kuni Ashikari Myojin no koto.

Eighth volume: 上野国赤城山三所明神内覚満大菩薩事, Kagaminomiya (Shrine) no koto, Kamagami no koto (the tutelary deity of the hearth,) Fuji Sengen Daibosatsu (Fuji Sengen great bodhisattva) no koto, 群馬桃井郷上村内八ヶ権現事 and Kozuke no kuni Nahahachiro Daimyojin no koto.

Ninth volume: Kitano Tenjin Shrine no koto.

Tenth volume: Suwa Engi no koto (Story of the Origin of the Suwa deity.)

[Original Japanese]