Kyo rin rin (経凛々)

A Kyo rin rin is one of Japanese yokai (ghosts, spirits and monsters) that was portrayed in Sekien TORIYAMA's yokai art collection book: "Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro" (The Bag of One Hundred Random Demons; the term 'hyakki' in its title is a pun on the usual hyakki, replacing the character for demon which is written as "鬼" in Japanese with a character for vessel written as "器," and sure enough, most of the yokais shown in this book are tsukumogami [a type of Japanese spirits that originate in items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and become alive]), and a yokai of Buddhist scriptures. It is portrayed as a yokai with a beak, having scrolls of sutras tied up on the both sides of the head.

It is said to be a yokai created by Sekien based on an anecdote about Shubin, a Buddhist monk of the early Heian period, which appeared in a war chronicle "Taiheiki" (The Record of the Great Peace). Although Shubin had been known as a Buddhist monk for offering prayers in Sai-ji Temple of Kyoto, he lost the match in power of Buddhism with Kukai, a Buddhist monk of Toji Temple. Shubin's scriptures were discarded as useless and became the tsukumogami, and Kyo rin rin thus came into being.

Many yokais in the "Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro" were drawn borrowing motifs from "Hyakki yagyo emaki" ('Night Parade of One Hundred Demons' picture scroll) of the Muromachi period, and the Kyo rin rin also share the common features in terms of a design of a bird monster having a long beak and Buddhist sutra scrolls tied up on the head, with a yokai in the "Hyakki yagyo emaki."

[Original Japanese]