Licensed brewer (酒造技能士)

Licensed brewer is someone who passed the written and practical tests about sake brewing which is a kind of skill assessment system of nationally-accredited qualification conducted by prefectural governors (the questions are made up by Japan Vocational Ability Development Association and the administrator is Prefectural Vocational Ability Development Association).

By Human Resources Development Promotion Act, it is prohibited that anyone except licensed brewers calls oneself a licensed brewer.

Classification of sake

There are first and second ranks.

Practical test (brewing seishu)

The first rank
Evaluate polished rice in the light of the rice polishing ratio and faults.

Evaluate koji (malted rice) by checking the condition of haze (white spots on the surface of steamed rice which become visible as koji yeast propagates).

Decide what to do next from the look of the yeast mash which is given for the test.

Evaluate the moromi (raw unrefined sake), and measure and blend the alcoholic liquors.

Assembling of filtration machine (paper type carbon filter) and filtration.

Determination by smelling and tasting sake.

Test time: 2 hours 20 min
The second rank
Evaluate polished rice in the light of the rice polishing ratio and faults.

Evaluate koji by checking the condition of haze.

Decide what to do next from the look of the yeast mash which is given for the test.

Measure the moromi acids degree and amino acids degree.

Measure the capacity of container for preparation.

Assembling of filtration machine (paper type carbon filter).

Determination by smelling and tasting sake.

Test time: 2 hours 15 min

[Original Japanese]