Fushiminomiya Imperial Prince Sadafusa (伏見宮貞成親王)

Fushiminomiya Imperial Prince Sadafusa (April 9, 1372 - September 28, 1456) was a member of the Imperial family during the Muromachi period. He was one of the hereditary Imperial family members, the third head of the Fushiminomiya family. His honorific title was Gosukoin.

Brief Personal History

He was brought up in the Imagawa family from his childhood. Sadaijin (the Minister of the left), Kinnao and his father, Sadaijin, Kinyuki became his foster parent, Sadafusa remembered his parent's kindness for the rest of his life. He was fond of music and Waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables) due to his upbringing. On April 4, 1411 he finally celebrated his coming-of-age ceremony when he was forty at the Fushimi Imperial Palace and was named Sadafusa, then he was sent to his father, Imperial Prince Yoshihito. After that, he settled down at Fushimi Imperial Palace.

On December 18, 1416, after Imperial Prince Yoshihito died, Prince Haruhito, who succeeded Imperial Prince Yoshihito, also suddenly died in the following year, on March 8, 1417, and finally Sadafusa became the successor. Sadafusa was suspected of killing his older brother using poison, however the Retired Emperor Gokomatsu and fourth Shogun, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA gave relieved him of any wrong doing. Since Fushiminomiya was the legitimate family of the Northern Court, Sadafusa was often look upon with suspicion by others. When Emperor Shoko's maid, Shin Naishi (lady in waiting) became pregnant in 1418, Sadafusa was suspected of having a secret relationship with her, however with Yoshimochi's help, he was able to avoid the situation after submitting Kishomon (oath documents to God) on July 17 of the same year.

When Emperor Shoko slipped into critical condition, he became a candidate for succession to the throne and received the title Imperial Prince by Imperial order on May 13, 1425. However, Emperor Shoko recovered and was furious when he heard about it, on July 5, just after three months later, Sadafusa shaved his head at Fushimi Shigetsuan (Shigetsu monastery) and was forced to enter into the priesthood. His Buddhist name was Dokin. When Emperor Shoko became critical again in August and September 1428, the sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA protected Sadafusa's biological son, Prince Hikohito, and asked the Retired Emperor Gokomatsu to appoint a new Emperor. The Gokomatsu adopted Prince Hikohito and had him ascend to the throne as Emperor Gohanazono. Imperial Prince Sadafusa received the respective title of retired emperor on November 12, 1448, and was called Gosukoin. On April 4, 1448 he declined his respective title.

He wrote "Kanmon Nikki (diary)" and "Chinyoki". His Mausoleum is Fushimi Shorinin no Misasagi (the Fushimi Shorinin Mausoleum).


Sadafusa was the successor of the Jimyoin Imperial line, and descended from the Northern Court's third Emperor Suko. His father was Fushiminomiya Imperial Prince Yoshihito, his mother was Saneharu SANJO's daughter, FUJIWARA no Haruko. His older brother was the second head of the family, Fushiminomiya Prince Haruhito. The Miyasudokoro (Emperor's lady in waiting) was Tsuneari NIWATA's (Uda-Genji (Minamoto clan)) daughter, Koshi MINAMOTO (Fuseimonin).

Materials related to Fushinomiya Imperial Prince Sadafusa

"The Spell of the Imperial Throne" written by Takayuki HARADA (Soubunsha, 2006) ISBN 4-7947-0536-0

[Original Japanese]