Honcho Koin Joun roku (本朝皇胤紹運録)

Honcho Koin Joun roku is a genealogy of Emperors and Imperial Families. It is also called Jounroku, Jounzu, Honcho Teiko Joun roku, Teio Gokeizu and Teiko Keifu. It was edited in 1426 by then Naidaijin (minister) Mitsusue TOIN verifying and taking into consideration "Teio Keizu" (the Genealogy of the Imperial Family) on Emperor Gokomatsu's instruction, but it is said that it was originally paired with "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (Lineage Sects of Noble and Humble) edited by Kinsada TOIN (Mitsusue's grandfather). The origin of the title is "Rekidai Teio Shounzu" of Southern Sung in China.

It starts from a mythological age, then describes five Emperors after Amaterasuomikami (the Sun Goddess) and successive Emperors after Emperor Jinmu follow them (however, it differs from current imperial genealogy in that Empress Jingu is treated equally with Emperor and deposed Emperors like Emperor Kobun, Emperor Chukyo, Emperor Gomurakami of the Southern Court (Japan), Emperor Chokei and Emperor Gokameyama are excluded from the successive Emperors). It adopts the dextrosinistral form in which the Emperor is centered and the relationships of father, son, and brothers are linked by a line. The information such as generation number, biological mother, imina (personal name), reign, date of investiture of the Crown Prince, accession to the throne, enthronement, abdication of the throne and demise, and Misasagi (Imperial mausoleum) are listed near the name of each Emperor (shigo (a posthumous name) or ingo (a posthumous title given to an emperor)), for the other Imperial Families, biological mother, brief personal history, gokui (his best rank), gokkan (his Best position) and date of death are annotated. At first, the last Emperor described in it was Emperor Shoko, but every time it was copied and published, then Emperor and Imperial Families were added and there are many discrepancies between manuscripts and printed copies. In particular, manuscripts included in the Gunsho ruiju (A Classified Collection of the Japanese Classics) are famous and describe until Emperor Showa.

Although it is still considered to be authoritative among many Imperial Family records, examination is needed particularly for the ancient part. "Sanshu Gokeizu" (first published in 1877) edited by Genroin (the Chamber of Elders) in the Meiji period was based on this genealogy and improved its credibility further by conflating various documents. "Nancho (Koin) Joun roku" (a supplement of "Nancho Hennenkiryaku") written by Naoshige TSUKUI in 1785 is a totally different genealogy and just a vulgar book whose value as a historical data for Nancho (Southern Court) is extremely low.

[Original Japanese]