Imperial Princess Kashi (嘉子内親王)

Imperial Princess Kashi (also known as Yoshiko, years of birth and death unknown) was a member of the Imperial Family in the latter period of the Heian period. She was an Ise Saigu (vestal virgin princess serving at Ise-jingu Shrine). She was an Imperial descendant of Emperor Sanjo, and was a daughter of Koichijoin, Imperial Prince Atsuakira. In April 1046, she was selected to be a Saigu of Emperor Goreizei by divination, and entered Nonomiya (temporary palace for Saigu to be purified) in September 1047. In 1048, she went to Ise. In February 1051, she resigned because of the death of Koichijoin, her father.

[Original Japanese]