Renso no Gi (斂葬の儀)

Renso no gi is a funeral of an imperial member.

When a member of the Imperial Family dies, a coffin is placed in 'mogari no miya,' (hinkyu) provided in a residence of the dead member.

Upon placement of the coffin, the emperor, the empress, and other imperial members pay their respects to the dead one.

Then, 'Ofuneiri no gi' (putting a body in a coffin) corresponding to "nokan" in general funeral ceremonies is performed.

The coffin is moved from the residence to Toshimagaoka Cemetery by hearse.

The funeral ceremony is held by the imperial envoy, the envoy of the empress, and other imperial members. It is an ancient custom that the emperor and the empress do not attend, but dispatch an envoy to funeral ceremonies of imperial members.

The coffin is buried in a tomb.

The emperor and empress enter ryoan (court mourning for the late imperial member).

[Original Japanese]