Makino Hideshige (牧野英成)

Hideshige MAKINO (1671-1741) was the daimyo (feudal lord) in the mid-Edo period, who held the title of Kyoto Shoshidai (Local Governor of Kyoto). He was the third Lord of Tanabe Domain in Tango Province. He was the fourth generation of the Makino family in Tanabe Domain in Tango Province.

He was the eldest son of Naoshige MURAKOSHI, who had the title of Hatamoto (direct retainer of the shogun). Since his uncle, Tomishige MAKINO, did not sire a son, Hideshige was adopted by his father's parental home of the Makino House at Tanabe Domain in Tango Province. He took after the family estate due to the death of his foster father, Tomishige, in 1693. He participated as Jisha Bugyo (magistrate of a temple) and Kyoto Shoshidai and cooperated with the shogunate government. He retired in 1737 and handed over his family estate to his second son, Akishige. He passed away in 1741.


1671: He was born.

1692: He became an Okuzume (personal guard of a shogun).

1693: He took after the Makino family, quit being the Okuzume, and gained the rank of Shikoseki (Japanese territorial lord rank).

1714: He became Sojaban (the officer who conducts a ceremony).

August 29, 1718: He was assigned to be the Jisha Bugyo.

January 28, 1725: He was assigned to be the Kyoto Shoshidai.

1734: He quit the Kyoto Shoshidai post.

1737: He went through a retirement.

1741: He passed away at the age of 71.

Official Court Rank

1685: He gained the rank of Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and became the Sado no kami (Provincial Governor of Sado).

1697: He became the Sanuki no Kami (Provincial Governor of Sanuki).

1714: He became the Inaba no kami (Provincial Governor of Inaba).

1724: He became Sado no kami and Jiju (chamberlain) and gained the rank of Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade).

1728: He became the Kawachi no kami (Provincial Governor of Kawachi).

[Original Japanese]