Matsuura Hideto (松浦秀任)

Hideto MATSUURA (? - October 19, 1600) was a Daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) (Iou clan) and a Busho (Japanese military commander) in the Toyotomi government. His common name was Yasubei. His another name was Hisanobu. His kanto (government service) were Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and the Governor of Iyo Province.

His place of origin was the Terada clan which rose in Terada Village, Izumi County, Izumi Province and a younger cousin of Mataemon and Yasudayu TERADA brothers, retainers of Matsuura Hizen no kami (Governor of Hizen Province), the lord of Kishiwada-jo Castle. Yasudayu murdered Hizen no kami and called himself by the family name of Matsuura.

He was the head of Nanategumi (seven troops) of the Toyotomi family. Todaiki (a famous chronicle describing the Early Modern age) reported that he had ten thousands koku crop yields in Iu, Ise Province. In view of the November 4, 1593 description in 'Komai Nikki' (The Diary of Shigekatsu KOMAI) that he was given an additional one thousand koku, he is considered to have finally had 11,000 koku. In the Bunroku-Keicho War in 1592, he was in the Nagoya-jo Castle in Hizen Province as a member of Umamawarishu (horse guards) of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.. In 1594, he participated in Fushimijo fushin (construction of Fushimi-jo Castle). He belonged to the Western Camp in the Battle of Sekigahara and participated in the Battle of Fushimi-jo Castle, and then in the Battle of Otsu-jo Castle with Muneshige TACHIBANA and others, but was shot to death in battle ('Keicho Kenbunki').

[Original Japanese]