Kagawa Kagemoto (香川景柄)

Kagemoto KAGAWA (September 24, 1745 - October 23, 1821) was a Kajin (waka poet) in the middle of the Edo Period. His biological father was Tsushima Matsuda of Kyoto, Yamashiro Province. His foster father was Kagehira KAGAWA. Kagemoto's adopted children were Kageki KAGAWA, Kageyoshi KAGAWA and Kagetsugu KAGAWA. Kagetomo had some common names including Shinzu and Fusho. His pen name was Kochu. His posthumous Buddhist name is Joa. Kagetomo was adopted by Kagehira KAGAWA and became Baigetsudo the fourth, the successor of Kagehira.


Originally Kagemoto served for the Tokudaiji family, a Kuge (court noble), but later he devoted himself to the art of Waka poetry. Later, he became Baigetsudo the fourth and known as an eminent poet in the Kyoto poetry circle. Since Kagemoto had no children, he adopted a child, Kageki KAGAWA. However, Kagemoto dissolved the adoption later as he thought that Kageki was not qualified as a successor. Kagemoto adopted several other children, and Kagetsugu KAGAWA was the one who became his successor.
Kagemoto compiled Kashu (personal collection of poetry), 'Kochueiso.'

[Original Japanese]