Kataoka Kamezo (片岡亀蔵)

"Kamezo KATAOKA" is a name which has been used by several Kabuki (a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors) actors. The yago (stage family name) used by Kamezo KATAOKA is Matsushima-ya.

Kamezo KATAOKA the First (year of birth and death unknown)
He used the name of Kamezo KATAOKA throughout his life.

Kamezo KATAOKA the Second (year of birth and death unknown)
He also used the name of Kamezo KATAOKA throughout his life.

Kamezo KATAOKA the Third
He later became Ichizo KATAOKA the Fourth.
Kamezo KATAOKA the Fourth
He is the second son of Ichizo KATAOKA the Fifth.

[Original Japanese]