Koga Michinobu (久我通言)

Michinobu KOGA (1373-October 7, 1433) was Kugyo (court noble) during the Muromachi period. He mainly served Emperor Gokomatsu (the 100th) and the Emperor Shoko (the 101st), and promoted to Shonii Gon Dainagon (Senior Second Rank, Provisional chief councilor of state). His father was Dajo-daijin (a grand minister of state) Tomomichi KOGA. His child was Dajo-daijin Kiyomichi KOGA.

After experiencing Mutsu-no-Gonnokami (a supernumerary chief of Mutsu-no-kuni) and Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), he became Shosanmi rank Gondainagon (Senior Third Rank, Provisional chief councilor of state) and Junnain Betto (a chancellor of Junnain Palace) in 1396. He resigned Gon Dainagon in 1399. He became Gon Dainagon again in 1403. He resigned Gon Dainagon in 1415. He entered into the priesthood at the age of forty-six in 1419.

[Original Japanese]