Princess Sukatehime no Himemiko (酢香手姫皇女)

Princess Sukatehime no Himemiko (the date of birth and death unknown) was a Princess in the Asuka Period. In "Jogu Shotoku Hooteisetsu (Biography of Shotoku Taishi)," her name was recorded as Sukateko no Himemiko, while in "Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters)," her name was recorded as Sugahiroko no Iratsume. She was a daughter of Emperor Yomei and it is believed that her mother was a daughter of Tagimanokura no Obito Hiro, Ihimenoko (according to "Kojiki"). In "Jogu Shotoku Hooteisetsu (Biography of Shotoku Taishi)," it is recorded that her mother was a daughter of Kazuraki no Tagima no Kura no Obito Hiroko, Ihiko no Iratsume, while it is also said that she was a daughter of Kazurakinoatahi Ihamura, Hiroko (according to "Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)"), and she had an older brother-uterine, Prince Toma. By the way, Prince Shotoku was her older paternal half-brother.

According to the Records of Emperor Yomei in Nihon Shoki, when Emperor Yomei ascended the throne and became the 31st Emperor of Japan in October 5, 585, she was dispatched to Ise Jingu Shrine as Saio (Imperial Princess appointed to serve the deities of the Kamo-jinja Shrines). In the records of Nihonshoki, after the death of Emperor Yomei, she continuously served as Saio, and at the time of Empress Suiko, she resigned from the presence of the Empress and died in the land of Katsuraki. And also, according to "some historical documents," it is recorded that she served as Saio for 37 years. According to the latter records, she resigned from the presence of the Empress in 621 or in 622.

[Original Japanese]