Kataoka Roen (片岡芦燕)

"Roen KATAOKA" is a name which has been used by several Kabuki (a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors) actors. The current Roen is the sixth generation.

Roen KATAOKA the First
The name was used as a haimyo (a Kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used both officially and privately) of Nizaemon KATAOKA the Eighth.

Roen KATAOKA the Second
The name was used as a haimyo of Gado KATAOKA the Second (he was also granted the name of Nizaemon KATAOKA the Ninth after his death). He was an adopted son of Nizaemon KATAOKA the Eighth.

Roen KATAOKA the Third
The name was used as a haimyo of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 10th.

Roen KATAOKA the Fourth
The name was used as a haimyo of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 12th. He was a son of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 10th.

Roen KATAOKA the Fifth
He later became Gado KATAOKA the 13th (he was also granted the name of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 14th after his death). He was the eldest son of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 12th.

Roen KATAOKA the Sixth
He is the third son of Nizaemon KATAOKA the 12th.

[Original Japanese]