Kano Sanraku (狩野山楽)

Sanraku KANO (1559- September 30, 1635 [August 19, 1635 by the old calendar]) was a painter of the Kano School from the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (from 1573) to the early Edo Period (from 1603)

He was born in the Province of Omi to Nagamitsu KIMURA, who served Nagamasa AZAI, the warlord ruling over the land of Omi at the time. After the Azai clan was overthrown by Nobunaga ODA, he served Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and became an apprentice learning under Eitoku KANO, a famous painter of that time. When Eitoku became ill during his work on the Tofuku-ji Hatto (Dharma Hall of Tofuku-ji Temple) ceiling painting, Sanraku took over and completed the work. This suggests that Sanraku was expected to be Eitoku's successor. (The ceiling painting no longer exists).

At the time of the Siege of Osaka, Sanraku was under the protection of the Toyotomi family; however, because Osaka Castle had fallen into the hands of its enemy, he went into hiding at Shojo SHOKADO, priest and artist. Later, he returned to Kyoto under amnesty, and created the Shotoku Taishi Eden Hekiga (wall painting of Shotoku Taishi) at Shitenno-ji Temple at the request of Hidetada TOKUGAWA. Sanraku's eldest son died young, so he appointed his pupil, Sansetsu KANO as his successor.

While Tanyu KANO (Eitoku's grandson) and the Kano group relocated to Edo, the Sunraku and Sansetsu lines of the Kano School remained in Kyoto, coming to be called, therefore, the Kyo Kano (the Kyoto branch of the Kano School).

His Representative Works
Ryuko-zu Byobu (folding screen with painting of dragon and tiger) (Myoshin-ji Temple, Kyoto) Important Cultural Property, Kyoto National Museum
Daikaku-ji Shinden Shoheki-ga (Wall painting at Daikaku-ji Shinden) (Daikaku-ji Temple, Kyoto) Important Cultural Property
Shoden-ji Temple Hojo Shoheki-ga (Wall painting in the abbot's chamber of Shoden-ji-Temple) (Shoden-ji Temple, Kyoto) Important Cultural Property
Yogen-in Shoheki-ga (Wall painting at Yogen-in Temple) (Yogen-in Temple) Important Cultural Property
Shicho-zu Fusuma-e (Painting of hawks and eagles on sliding partitions) (Private Collection) Important Cultural Property
Matsu-zu (Painting of a pine tree) (Kyoto National Museum) Important Cultural Property
Kuruma Arasoi-zu (Painting depicting confrontation of carriages) (Tokyo National Museum) Important Cultural Property
Teikan-zu (Paintings depicting the deeds of famous Chinese emperors)

[Original Japanese]