Sawamura Sojuro (澤村宗十郎)

Sojuro SAWAMURA is a Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) actor's professional name. The stage family name is Kinokuniya (kabuki). The Jomon (family crest) is Maru ni I no Ji (a letter, 'i' (い), in a circle).

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the first)
A disciple of Chojuro SAWAMURA. Later Chojuro SAWAMURA (the third), Takasuke SUKETAKAYA. He was also known as Sojuro SAWAMURA.

There was a disciple of the first, who called himself Sojuro between the first and the second.
His common name was 'Sojuro YOHA.'

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the second)
An adopted child of the first.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the third)
A child of the second. He was generally known as 'Tosshi SAWAMURA' from his haigo (pen name of a haiku poet).

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the fourth)
The oldest son of the third.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the fifth)
A disciple of the fourth.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the sixth)

The second Tosshi SAWAMURA. He collapsed during performance on the stage in Nagoya immediately before succession to the professional name, but was donated the professional name of the sixth Sojuro after his death.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the seventh)
An adopted child of the second Tosshi SAWAMURA.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the eighth)
The third son of the seventh.

Sojuro SAWAMURA (the ninth)
The oldest son of the eighth.

[Original Japanese]