Hino Terusuke (日野輝資)

Terusuke HINO (1555 - August 27, 1623) lived during the Sengoku period (period of warring states), Azuchi-Momoyama period, and the Edo period. He also went by the first names of Kaneyasu and Kanekiyo. He was also called Yuishin HINO, a Buddhist name. He was the 28th head of the Hino family. He held the office of Gon Dainagon (provisional chief counselor of state) and rose to the rank of Shonii (Senior Second Rank).

His father was Kunimitsu HIROHASHI and his mother was the daughter of Nagaie TAKAKURA. His wife was the daughter of Kunishige TSUMORI. His biological children were Sukekatsu HINO and Teruko HINO, and he adopted Sukeyoshi HINO. He also adopted the wife of Sadayoshi OGASAWARA (who was Hidemasa OGASAWARA's mother).

Harumitsu HINO died in 1555 without an heir to succeed him. Accordingly, a dispute arose between Nagayoshi MIYOSHI who supported Suketaka HINO (Masatsuna ASUKAI's son) and Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, seii taishogun (literally, "the great general who subdues the barbarians"), who supported Kaneyasu (Kunimitsu HIROHASHI's son). In the end, Yoshiteru's position was accepted by obtaining Sukesada YANAGIWARA and Kanehide HIROHASHI's approvals (they were from the Hino line), and therefore it was decided that Kaneyasu HIROHASHI would be the heir to the Hino family with the approval of Emperor Ogimachi on June 8, 1559. Kaneyasu was soon appointed as jiju (a chamberlain) and he changed his name to 'Terusuke HINO' with one Chinese character given by Yoshiteru.

On April 27, 1574, as an Imperial envoy of Emperor Ogimachi, he visited Nobunaga ODA with Masakiyo ASUKAI and delivered the imperial sanction of cutting ranjatai (a fragrant wood which is said to have the best aroma). On March 11, 1576, with Mitsunobu KARASUMARU and Kanekatsu HIROHASHI, he accompanied Tokitsugu YAMASHINA and Tokitsune YAMASHINA on a visit to Sadakatsu MURAI.

On February 28, 1602, he ran away from Kyoto because of a dispute that arose against the Konoe family. Two months later, he returned to Kyoto at Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's discretion. In June 1607, Teruko's death influenced him to become a priest and he called himself Yuishinin. After that, he served Ieyasu and his son Hidetada in Edo and Sunpu, and was awarded 1030 koku in Gamo Country of the Omi Province. As a priest serving as a close adviser to Ieyasu, he held a position next to Konchiin Suden and Nankobo Tenkai. He also participated in editing Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto (a set of regulations that applied to the emperor and the Kyoto nobles), and its original was supposedly written by Yuishin HINO. In 1623, he returned to Kyoto accompanying Hidetada and died in Kyoto.

[Original Japanese]