Murayanimasumifutsuhime-jinja Shrine (村屋坐弥冨都比売神社)

Murayanimasumifutsuhime-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Tawaramoto-cho, Shiki-county, Nara Prefecture. It is a shikinaisha (shrine listed in the Engishiki laws) and was prefectural shrine under the old shrine ranking system. It is located on 'Nakatsu Michi' (Tachibana Kaido), one of the old roads in Yamato.

The main enshrined deity is Mihotsu-hime (another name is Mifutsuhime no kami), and Omononushi is also enshrined as an associated deity. Mihotsu-hime no mikoto is Omononushi's wife and according to Kiki-shinwa (the Kojiki, Nihonshoki and mythology), Omononushi and Okuninushi are one god. Omononushi no mikoto is the deity of Omiwa-jinja Shrine, and this shrine, which enshrines his wife, is its betsugu, associated shrine.

The year of the shrine's founding is unknown. "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) says that Murayanokami was granted a shinkai (rank granted to Shinto gods) as credit for telling OTOMO no Fukei on the side of Oama no oji (Prince Oama) 'Guard Nakatsu Michi because the enemies are coming' during the Jinshin War in 673. This was the first article referring to the granting of shinkai. It is listed as a taisha (large shrine) in the Engishiki Jinmyocho (a list of shrines).

In 1926, it was promoted to a prefectural shrine.

Auxiliary Shrines within the Precinct
Sessha (auxiliary shrine dedicated to a deity closely-related to that of a main shrine): Muraya-jinja Shrine
Enshrined deities: Amenokoyane no mikoto, Futsunushi no kami, Himenokami, Takemikazuchi, OTOMO no Takemochi no Omuraji, Muroya Omuraji

It was originally located in Umiyanoyama, Kawabe, which is to the east of the present site but was relocated to the precinct of Murayanimasumifutsuhime-jinja Shrine due to a fire caused by conflict in 1584.

Massha (subordinate shrine): Hattori-jinja Shrine
Enshrined deities: Ame no Minakanushi no Kami (one of the gods in Japanese mythology), Ame no Mihokonomikoto

It was originally located in Daianji-kakinomori but was relocated to the precinct of Murayanimasumifutsuhime-jinja Shrine in 1573 due to fire caused by conflict during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts.

Sessha: Kususumi-jinja Shrine
Enshrined deities: Ame no Kushihi and Kotoshironushi.

It was originally located in Ebisuyama, Kawabe to the east of the present site but was relocated to the precinct of Murayanimasumifutsuhime-jinja Shrine in 1866.

Massha: Ichikishimahime-jinja Shrine, Mononobe-jinja Shrine
Enshrined deities: Kashikiyahime no Mikoto, Umashimaji no Mikoto, and the associated deity MONONOBE no Moriya no Muraji. Its history is unknown but it is said to enshrine the soshin (an ancestor honored as a god) of the Moriya shake (family of priests serving a shrine on a hereditary basis) family.

[Original Japanese]