Kanjo-kumigashira (勘定組頭)

Kanjo-kumigashira is a bureaucratic post in the Edo shogunate. The kanjo-kumigashira is a member of kanjo-sho, the office of financial affairs, in charge of supervising and managing bureaucrats belonging to office under the command of its commissioner, the kanjo-bugyo, for administration of the cognate's financial policy and agricultural policy.

The post is generally believed to have been created in 1664. However, the post name had already appeared more than 30 years before during the Kanei period and the date of establishment may be traced back to this date.

According to the job rank system in 1672, there were 12 appointed to this post, earning executive allowance of 100 bales of rice and two of the kanjo-kumigashira were appointed to take charge of Edo Castle whereas the rest appointed to cover the Osaka region and the Kanto region (at least 4 appointees). The executive allowance was abolished once in 1682 but was restored in 1722 with rank-based salary of 350 bales. The region-based job function was abolished in the structural reform implemented in the following year (1723) and replaced by category-based appointments, namely, Goten-zume for Edo Castle, kattekata, torika-aratame, ukagaikata and shomuki-kanjocho-aratame. Appointments as kanjo-kumigashira remained thereafter until the end of the shogunate regime, with the number of appointees ranging between 10 and 13.

[Original Japanese]